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Mr. Punith B.S

The Life Of A UX/UI Designer You’ll be curious to know what it’s like on a day-to-day basis. UX design is one of the top five in-demand skills according to a Linked...

Mr. Preetham

Love Movies and the way every scene blends into one another and all the actors just seem to do the right things at the right time? Well, you can thank video editors ...

Mr. Pranav URS

"In short: it is a complete package with the goal of helping us to conquer our dream job" It was an amazing experience travelling with Arena Animation Banashankari ...

Ms. Hema

I am very happy to Share my valuable words about "Arena Animation" , I can proudly say " *Arena is the Brand* . Here I am as a front Officer who Everyday welcomes p...

Mr. Arvind K.S

Hi, I am Arvind, Working in Prime Focus Technology as a Team Leader for various projects like BBCI, Cricket Australia & ICC. Every leader needs to cultivate a triad ...

Mr. Harish N

Welcome to the world of opportunities. Making your dreams into successful career you need to have strong foundation In the form of education, Arena Animation Banasha...

Mr. Srujan Bharadwaj B.R

With computer - generated visual effects , everything is possible ,your imaginary world can be put on screen . You literally feel like a superhero sometimes where yo...

Mr. Praful

My journey has Academy officer at Arena Animation has been spectacular and overwhelming. The institute has positive vibes that makes it a beautiful shelter for not o...

Mr. Rajesh

3D Animation and Gaming industry is like wow ! What a industry to be part of. So excited the most beautiful and creative field to learn and to get success in the nam...

Mr. Prajwal N.V

A warm welcome from Arena Animation Banashankari, indeed you have come to the right educational champion to learn the art and craft of Animation. It is our personal ...
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