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Our Story

Arena Animation is the Animation, Web designing, VFX & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd. Since 1996, Arena Animation has successfully trained more than 4,50,000 students through its career-oriented courses. Today, TV channels bring awesome animation into our homes & the film industry is bringing out fantastic films every week. By 2020, the Animation & VFX industry in India will be worth ?11360 crores*. At the same time, the market outside India is much bigger & Indian companies work on outsourced international animation projects as well. Such a huge & growing industry requires thousands of skilled, trained people to work in animation studios, ad film & VFX companies, video processing & editing studios, and others. To prepare you for a well-paying career in this field, Arena Institute provides world-class education through a wide network of centres since 1996. Arena Animation offers a variety of animation, filmmaking, VFX, multimedia & web designing courses that get you job-ready in a few months. You can even do these courses along with attending college or a job.

Why Arena Animation Banashankari

Arena Animation is one of India's most experienced animation education providers. The Institute has trained more than 4,50,000 students in 20 countries around the world. Since 1996, Arena Animation has focused on providing quality education in Animation, Broadcast, Digital Marketing, Multimedia, VFX, and Web & Graphics Designing. Arena students have got job placements with major Indian & international studios.

Our Faculty

Arena Animation Banashankari

Faculty profile
Mr. Srinivas
Business Development Executive
Faculty profile
Mr. Rajesh Chakravarthi
Creative Head
Faculty profile
Mr. Prajwal N.V
Faculty profile
Mrs. Shambhavi K.Y
Managing Partner & Digital Head
Posted on: 2021-02-01T13:36:01
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